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What is Yoga Prana Vidya Healing

Published: May 27th, 2023 01:32 pmBy Asha Anur

Let's understand what is Yoga Prana Vidya or YPV healing. It is a no touch, no medicine, energy healing modality. The physical body has an invisible energy body around it. The physical body and energy body are closely connected to each other. Just like the physical body needs food to survive, the energy body needs energy or prana. The prana is provided by chakras to the energy body. These chakras in the energy body are like doors and windows in a house. These chakras maintain the energy level of the different organs that are there around it. 

For eg, if you have a bad cold, the nose and sinuses are affected. The Ajna chakra, located at the center of the eyebrows, has some dirty energy relating to the cold.  In the process of healing, we clean the Ajna chakra, the nose and sinuses and infuse fresh energy into them. these parts absorb it and they get healed, thereby relieving you of cold. 

Isn't it a wonderful way to heal yourself without medicines!

Healing can be done on yourself , on others & on people who are distant from you.  Healing is very simple and easy to learn. You too can learn to heal!

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