Change in the Air- Business shift

20 Nov 2019

Indeed one cannot help but be drawn towards all the new developments in the business canvas of the country along with the world. The times ahead seem to be extremely exciting and mind boggling. Led by Technology the rate of change of the business-scape as I would prefer to name the possibilities is immense and pressuring. Paradigms are being challenged and blown away overnight. Volumes change at the drop of a hat. Bringing this entire disruption to the fore is tne now not so humble gadget “The mobile Phone”. Who would have thought five years ago that the next big game changer in international business scene would be this humble gadget? 4G seems dated even before launched effectively. Whoa! what next. CHANGE is not the word SEA CHANGE is the watchword. Adapt and adapt fast to enjoy every bit of it or just be an awestruck spectator. Move aside Formula-1, the business times are the new adrenaline pumps.

Written By

Dilip Kumar Sharma

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