Darshan's BLOGS

Your victory is right around the corner.

Published: Mar 21st, 2020 05:22 pmBy Darshan S
If you are going through a rough time you should read this. This article talks about how you should remain resolute and keep going. You might have probably heard or read this before, "tough times don't last forever but tough people do". Even I have heard this before. That held your when I first heard it and still holds true today. There will come a time in your life where you may cry and feel like there is all the reason in the world for dying, those days when you struggle are the days you want to give up, you don't want to face the world. These are the exact dates that define you, don't quit. Difficulties come to make you strong, but only when you make a decision to move on and you stand by it. Once Abraham Lincoln said "I am not concerned that you have fallen, I am concerned that you will arise" giving up is in human design, which is shaped by fear. The fear of "what if I fail? And try and fail again. Would that be just easier if I just quit?" But here is what is wrong with that, even you give on yourself into that fear, you sentence yourself to a life time failure, a life time of regret, a situation where you loose faith in yourself, in others and in humanity itself. My request is don't do that to yourself. You must understand that difficult times will come. You can absolutely do nothing about that. But the magic is you can decide what you are going to do with the tides? I say life is 20% what happens to you, and 80% how you react to it. So I say you should decide a commitment to face it and deal with it. Because at the end of that pain is success. Name what is holding you back. It may be fear or may be procrastination or a relationship or self doubt or even depression. What ever it is, identify it. You know you can if you think deeply about it. Now put it on a paper, with this in front of you there is what you have to deal with. The big picture of your life will begin to clear when you start paying attention to the tinest details. Start with identifying what is holding you back. Next is you have to let go of your anger and hate from the past. This will help you heal yourself. You cannot be happy and productive of you hold on to old hurts. Let go of relationships and situations that are out of your control. Don't try to force it, you will only end up hurting yourself more. Your mental health is important, as it guides every other aspects of your life. Your physical life, your spiritual life, they all become better when you maintain a healthy mental state. Let go of your past hurt. What is that you want out of life? We all want something, what is yours? visualize that thing that you deeply want. Now ask yourself, how can I get it? When you visualize success against your fears, your mind will subconsciously start building the will and skills required to accomplish the result. When you know and can visualize what is that you want, you have to prepare for it. You have to think long term and then educate yourself. But more importantly you have to practice and prepare for the steps that are going to come in achieving your goal. Chances are you are not going to be lucky and win the lottery. But if you work hard and never give up, you will succeed. There is a proverb that says "the harder you work, the more luck you have." Put in the work and you are guaranteed to breakthrough that situation that you are dealing with and if you ever fail, dust yourself off and try again. In an interview a journalist asked Thomas Edison how it felt to fail 1000 times in his attempt to invent the incandescent bulbs, he replied "I didn't fail 1000 times, the light bulb was a invention with a thousand steps" that is the strength of will power and the desire to never quit. When everything seems going against you, remember that an aeroplane takes off against the gravity and the wind, not with it. So it is with life, for you to be successful, you have to move against resistance. And 1 day you will find yourself telling someone how you got out of what you are currently going through and they use it as a survival guide for their own journey. I would end by concluding that, when you feel like giving up just remember that there are a lot of people whom you still have to prove wrong, but more importantly remember that you are doing this for yourself. I'm not going to tell you it will be easy, but I am telling you it is going to be worth it. The writer of this blog Darshan S, is a Life coach and trainer. To know more about him you can reach out on [email protected] or +91-8884745145

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