Launched! Executive MBA for Trainers in India

16 Jan 2020

Dear Trainers and L&D Executives,

Now you can get professionally qualified in Training & Development.

Ever since has deep-dived in the issues that Trainer fraternity face, we have been plugging the gaps one after the other. After 2 years of market study and engagement, now has integrated,

  1. Trainer profiling system,
  2. Corporate enterprise solution, and
  3. The training marketplace.

But we didn't want to halt. We found another major gap. We realized that Trainer and L&D professionals do not have professional accreditation!

While for an HR function, an MBA in Human Resource covers the accreditation, it's sister function L&D and the Trainer fraternity do not have one. They at the most have to be happy with the private certification programs awarded by various Train the Trainer (TTT) programs. The private certificates are by no means any less important but do not substitute a much needed University/College/Professional accreditation.


Thus we decided to work with CLAP International School of Business ( to bring in an exclusive accreditation program for Trainers. CLAP ISB has worked out a beautiful fast-track Executive MBA program for Trainers and L&D executives affiliating with Veritas University, Malaysia. is bringing this to the Training community in India. Our vision is that no single experienced Trainer should now wait for proper accreditation and credibility in the market.

On 4th January 2020, at Bangalore, we launched the INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE MBA in Training & Development from Veritas University, Malaysia.

Now! Trainers can enroll for a Marter's degree by registering through below link


A Trainer who ? has a minimum of 3 years of corporate/academic/training experience ? cannot attend a full-time MBA due to time constrain ? is stuck in their Business progress for lack of a degree or accreditation in Training. ? wants to take a professional qualification in Training & Development

The next batch starts in February 2020. Express your interest by applying above...


? Earn your International Executive MBA in six months

? Unique Experience Mapping methodology, with no classroom teaching involved.

? Degree specific to your area of expertise in Training

? Dedicated guide throughout the program

? Degree based on a structured job assessment and reports

? Fast-Track Degree within 3 to max 6 months based on your performance

? The certificate is tamper-proof and tagged in blockchain

? Pricing is extremely affordable compared to any other MBA

? An opportunity for those who missed out on their Master's degree

? Ideal to obtain a double degree for postgraduates.


If you are a well experienced and talented trainer, and if a qualification in this field is holding you back from being an achiever, this is accreditation is for you! We value and evaluate your learning from the industry/corporate experience and map it with the curriculum. Industry mentors/senior academic professionals will mentor you to complete the capstone project in your area of expertise. 

Your will convocation involves 5 days of international campus immersion and graduation at Veritas University, Malaysia.

Next batch enrolment started (Limited seats).

Once you fill this form at, you will receive a call from CLAP Officials. All admission payments will be made dirctly to the University.

P.s. doesn't collect any money for this facilitation.

Good Day! Good Luck! :)

The article is as published in linkedin 

Written By

Raghesh G Menon

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Not because of lack of Trainers. But, for the lack of connect in the market.