Asha's BLOGS

Ignoring negativity

Published: May 28th, 2023 06:37 pmBy Asha Anur

Once a person  came to Lord Buddha & started abusing him. But, Buddha just kept smiling. by this, the person got very irritated, as this was not the reaction that he had expected. He asked Buddha, that why is he not feeling insulted?

Buddha replied, 'see, when you give a gift to a person & he accepts it, then the gift becomes his. In case, he doesn't accept it, the gift becomes yours, isn't it?

The person understood & left from there. Now, what do we learn from this story? When someone makes abusing remarks or insults us, we accept it, we suffer, isn't it? But, if we don't accept & brood over it, it gives us peace of mind. 

Yoga prana vidya offers many self protection techniques to come out of self misery and sorrow.

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